You are a member of DiEM25 – MeRA25? You’re fired! Political persecutions in 2018

We received a message today which shocked us. We share it withholding the names of those involved, for obvious reasons.
“So, I lived to see that, too! Today I got fired from my job as Scientific Advisor for an organization that cooperates with a German organization. The “justification” given was I am involved in DiEM25 and MeRA25 (I’m a member of DiEM’s Validating Council and I’ve also signed MeRA’s Inaugural Manifesto). I guess some people are too scared even at the thought of displeasing our European partners, the Germans. Political persecutions in the Europe of the peoples, in the year 2018 …unbelievable?”

Unbelievable yet true. The european political scene has moved so much to the reactionary side, that even the moderate proposals of DiEM25 and MeRA25 can become a reason for political persecution. We are obviously opposed to any political persecution and will stand by our comrade who was fired just because he dared to have different political views to those of the establishment.

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