Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance: Another party of the past

Anyone with ideas for real change in Germany is asking themselves: is their plan just more of the same?

Sahra Wagenknecht is launching the BSW association – Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance for Reason and Justice – today. The abbreviation BSW and the name of the homepage already anticipate it: a lot will be about her.

Her politics are the politics of cynicism – the type that have led Germany and Europe into the sorry state we are in. She regards the lives of millions of Ukrainians and Palestinians as a matter to be decided according to the interests of German industry.

She talks about opposing the government coalition with “serious, well thought-out concepts”. Often it is FDP-style talk of “new, innovative technologies” (meaning, among other things, nuclear power) and not a word about wind, solar panels and heat pumps, i.e. the existing technologies that would only have to be sensibly financed and rolled out (unlike currently the case). This is not a progressive approach to the transformation of our energy system.

And of course, as always: joining the chorus of media and parties who claim that the misery in the country is the fault of the newcomers and not of those who have been in power for decades. The same principle applies against “scurrilous minorities”, smaller groups of people who demand for themselves the same freedoms and rights that everyone should have. At one point, she then suddenly supports the current policy of the German government, promoting asylum procedures at the EU borders and the Danish model of foreclosure.

It is another missed opportunity. Those who want to solve people’s problems must also include newly arrived people. They must question ownership, especially in the areas of transforming our energy and economic system. Otherwise, even the constant inflation cannot be brought under control in the long term. Socialisation has to be the answer.

We say no to another party of the past. We need: commitment to peace on the side of the weak. Solidarity instead of joining in the right’s fear-mongering against migrants. A Green New Deal instead of empty phrases against climate change. And lasting social security through the socialisation of the core sectors of our economy.

We live in a society where the few rule over the many. A rebellious party that opposes this already exists: MERA25!

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