Saving lives along The Pier

Following last week’s migration summit, the EU appears to be moving quicker than ever toward isolation and seclusion. While the summit’s details remain vague, the approach amounts to a crackdown, not only on those who seek a better life in Europe, but also those who aid them in the process. It is clear now that millions of migrants will be handed over to regimes like Turkey or kept in camps on African lands.
This so-called ‘migration crisis’ is, in fact, a crisis of democracy: the product of failed trade policies, political power struggles, and the populist resentment that has emerged from them. Europe is breeding a political monster that demands our collective, democratic effort to beat.
Since the summit, hundreds have drowned in the Mediterranean. Meanwhile, thousands depart daily on life-endangering journeys that may well lead them to one of Libya’s detention camps, where slavery, torture and abuse are rife.
But the Seehofers, Salvinis, Kurzs and Orbans are not the only voices, even though they may be the loudest.
There is hope, and together, we can foster it! We will not just give up our humanity and values. Together, we are the loud ones, we are the majority.
An active alliance of civil society organisations and activists has founded The Pier, and DiEM25 activists are stepping up to support this cause.
The ‘pier’ historically refers to the airlift that was initiated by the USA and Great Briton 70 years ago this year. The airlift saved the lives of many of those trapped in Berlin and operated for 322 days. For this year’s anniversary, activists hope to initiate a new pier, that should similarly operate for 322 days, from June 29th to May 16th 2019.
At its core, the pier demands: safe passage, fast admission and efficient integration.
Let´s build this pier together!
How it works?

  • Take a stand: take a picture of you or your DSC wearing an orange accessory. It can be anything: a t-shirt, a scarf or even orange “piece paint”. Please send the pictures to: or directly to We will collect and share them.
  • Demo in Berlin: if you happen to be in Berlin on July 7, don’t hesitate and join us. More information to follow.
  • Organize your own demo in your city. Haven’t done it yet? – No problem. Write to, we are glad to support you!
  • Tell everyone you know about The Pier!

We won’t just give up our humanity.
Carpe DiEM!

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