Striving for a true alternative in the Netherlands

On June 6, Dutch voters will elect their representatives to the European Parliament. DiEM25 in the Netherlands reviewed the positions of four political parties and their alignment with our European Policy Narrative to ascertain if any viable options exist for the public. Hint: there is none.


DiEM25 has a strong and principled stance on Palestine. With Europe’s established political actors standing idly by while a genocide is taking place, the topic is rightly at the forefront of the campaign of the MERA25 parties across the continent. But how does the ballot in the Netherlands stack up? 

Party for the Animals speaks out about Israel’s war crimes and rightfully refers to the current situation as apartheid. It however has been unable to call out the ongoing genocide of Palestinans – in fact hesitating to go beyond a ‘commitent to’ ending arms supplies to Israel. This is abhorrent. Halting arms supplies to a country suspected of war crimes – never mind genocide – is a requirement under international law. It surprises us that the Party for the Animals cannot voice this. 

GroenLinks/PvdA has been largely silent domestically, despite their 25 seats in the national parliament. The party does not mention genocide in its programme and tiptoes around the issue of arms deliveries to Israel. Instead of calling for an arms embargo against Israel, the party prefers suspension of only arms deliveries that meet certain legal criteria. It seems that the GreenLeft/Labour Party is not yet convinced of the need to end the ongoing genocide. In the longer term, the party, while mentioning  ‘ending practises comparable to apartheid’, is silent on the complicity of the European Union in supporting Israel’s Apartheid policies and institutions. 

Volt Nederland makes no mention of the plight of the Palestinians in their programme. It is shocking that the word Palestine does not exist in any of their standpoints. Voters can only gain a glimpse of their views through a news article on their website – which characterises the situation as ‘alleged violations of international law committed in Israel, Gaza and the Westbank’.

What Volt however offers are proposals for European armed forces, headquartered in Brussels. With such polished wishes for further militarisation, its no wonder that this party is silent on the ongoing genocide of the Palestinans. 

Piratenpartij – De Groenen is tricky. De Groenen calls for a one state-solution, but the common priorities list of the Piratenpartij – De Groenen alliance makes no mention of foreign policy. Therefore, it can not be known what an elected MEP will stand for on this issue.

An Independent Europe

As part of DiEM25’s policy narrative, we believe Europe must follow a policy of political and military Non-alignment. This means pursuing pathways to peace, even if it goes against the interests of global powers. NATO membership stands in the way of these aims, turning Europe into a vassal of the United States. Rather, the EU should seek to reform and strengthen the UN and initiate a Parallel Peace Process.

Party for the Animals makes mention of disarmament policy and abolishing of Frontex. However, there is no challenge to the underlying structures of warmongering and dependency on the US through NATO membership. Volt Nederland calls for a commitment to the NATO-norm of 2% Defence spending and the formation of a European army. GroenLinks/PvdA calls NATO “crucial to military defence” of Europe. Piratenpartij – De Groenen doesn’t mention peace/international relations/defence policy in their common priorities list.

A Universal Living Income

DiEM25’s European Policy Narrative calls for a Universal Living Income, to enable financial independence for a broad section of our society. The funding will come from multiple channels, among which is a Tax on financial transactions and activities. Financial independence goes hand in hand with politcal independence. Therefore DiEM25 seeks to replace the ineffective European Citizens’ Initiative with a pan-European European Citizens Assembly with the power to propose legislation. 

Volt Nederland calls for a European Basic Income, funded by removal of certain tax exemptions. Piratenpartij – De Groenen has made a Universal basic income part of their common priorities for Europe. GroenLinks/PvdA only calls for Research into basic income. They do however mention implementing Tax on financial transactions. Party for the Animals has no mention of a form of basic income in their programme. 

A people’s Green Transition

DiEM25’s Green New Deal for Europe (GNDE) is still a core policy pillar of the European election campaign. We are, in a nutshell, calling for a just green transition, paid for by the ultra rich. To finance this, a progressive tax on wealth will be introduced, levied on individuals who own directly, or indirectly, net assets of € 2 million or more. This will work towards funding the implementation of the Green Public Works Programme, as outlined in the GNDE. 

Party for the animals has a strong emphasis on the green transition. Their programme calls for a ‘Green Deal 1.5’: An “ambitious and integral investment program”. This program includes affordable (though not free) public transport and an investment(fund) for green jobs. Volt Nederland calls for an end to fossil fuel subsidies, as well as a strategy for Green jobs. Piratenpartij – De Groenen calls for tax on kerosine, enhanced isolation of housing, and an end to agricultural subsidies. GroenLinks/PvdA mentions expanding the Social Climate Fund, and using the European Investment Bank for the green transition.

A future MERA25 Netherlands

Given the context of genocide in Palestine and the unmasking of our political, educational and cultural leaders, it is clear to us, that no sufficiently viable force exists, yet, in the Netherlands,  offering: 

  • Principled positions on solidarity, peace and dignity for all people;
  • Reasoned policy solutions that address the root causes of issues facing our societies across all aspects of life; and
  • Is truly internationalist in its approach.

No parties offer the progressive alternative to the status quo that DiEM25 envisions and is running on across Europe. We will continue striving for the creation of a true alternative for the people of the Netherlands and invite you to join us in this endeavour. 


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