Posts Tagged: belmarsh

The War on Terror is put on trial in London through the Belmarsh Tribunal — October 22


ANNOUNCING: The Belmarsh Tribunal. On October 22, we will put the War on Terror on trial. Register to attend online!

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Extradition denied, but the fight for Julian Assange’s freedom continues


They are not trying to extradite him, they are trying to kill him! DiEM25 demands the immediate release of Julian Assange.

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Law and disorder: The case of Julian Assange


The conviction of Julian Assange would signify a new dystopian landscape in which all investigative journalism risks prosecution.

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Yanis Varoufakis testifies against private company hired to spy on Assange


Yanis Varoufakis will give his testimony in a Spanish case against security agency UC Global via teleconference on 27 October at 13:00 (GMT+2).

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Solidarity actions for Julian Assange in Belgium


We must defend whistleblowers and Wikileaks founder Julian Assange because they reveal what governments are doing ‘in the public interest’.

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Here’s to you, Julian Assange!


What they are doing to Assange is radically changing the political weather - perhaps we need new Weathermen.

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Who says Britain doesn’t have political prisoners?


Not content with its own kangaroo court, the British establishment is blocking critical reporting of its record of corruption and lies.

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The most dangerous case against press freedom continues in silence


Wikileaks editor-in-chief after yesterday's hearing: new indictments by US prosecutors are a 'third try' after failing to provide a 'credible case'.

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DiEM25 demands immediate release of Julian Assange!


On Wednesday, 25th of March, Julian Assange's lawyers will make a bail application at Westminster Magistrates Court.

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