Posts Tagged: capitalism

The big idea: Has the digital economy killed capitalism?



Rather than turbo-charging the free market, Amazon et al have brought back a kind of feudalism

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Beyond the Mediterranean graveyard: The demise of the anti-capitalist Left



The sinking of a refugee ship near Greece resulted in hundreds of deaths, but it's not only those who are anti-migrants who are culpable

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Emperor capitalism has no clothes



The global response to the Russia-Ukraine war shows that there is no longer an automatic alignment with the West, which exposes its own fragility.

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I Often Dream of a Revolution — (Dec 19) DiEM TV Christmas Special with Olga Dimitrijević and Maja Pelević


Olga Dimitrijević and Maja Pelević talk about rebellious women who fight for a radical (eco)feminist socialist revolution and much more!

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Ever Given Capitalism?



Political organisation is vital to enable the move to post-capitalism. Some wind or a virus alone cannot subdue transnational power elites.

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Did we see something like Another Now’s Crowdshorters in action?


In Another Now, Varoufakis imagined a new type of resistance movement that uses the tools of finance to bring down capitalism.

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Why we need a Progressive International that must plan for today and for beyond capitalism


Faced with the task of fighting against the Twin Authoritarianisms wrecking the future, we need a common plan of what needs to be done worldwide.

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Platform capitalism: How Big Tech monopolies are messing up the global economy



Platform companies are dependent on capital injections and their employees rarely benefit from their 'success'.

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Every company should contribute 10% of shares for a Universal Basic Dividend


Monopoly capitalism created socialism for the bankers and for the very rich - and the arena of the unfettered markets for the many.

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