Posts Tagged: environment

Why is ecofeminism so relevant to our time?


Feminine emancipation is now no longer an end in itself but is considered to be the means to stop the destruction of the planet

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What’s really happening at the anti-coal protests in Germany


German media claim that protesters are just a fringe group. But as our people on the ground report, people from all demographics are showing up… ...

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DiEM25 supports Occupy: End Fossil Now campaign


DiEM25 is backing the Occupy: End Fossil Now campaign which is arranging a series of youth-led protests in the coming months to put an end to ...

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Following EU practices and other eco-myths



On environmental policies, the EU must mediate this process through citizens' assemblies and activists, not careerists and lobbyists

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Akamas: Cyprus’ ecological treasure is under attack from its government


The peninsula, which accounts for 15% of the island’s greenery, is the target of private investors, facilitated by opaque government plans

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Global South activists connect social justice with climate justice


Millions of people all over the world have been marching on the streets to raise awareness about the climate crisis and to put pressure on ...

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Europe will only be green when it overthrows its oligarchy



The European Commission's 'Green Deal' is woefully inadequate. We need Europeans on the streets and MeRA25 in parliaments

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Don’t Paint it Green: DiEM25 launches campaign against the EU’s destructive energy taxonomy


It’s time to campaign against the European Union's greenwashing of gas and nuclear energy

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The environmental crisis is global. The Green New Deal must also


The environmental crisis is global and a Green New Deal is needed. We cannot ignore the historical responsibility of Europe.

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