Posts Tagged: Erdogan

Erdogan alone controls the switch between tension and calm


The shift between calmness and tension in Greek-Turkish relations is always on the sole initiative of Turkey and Erdogan

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Turkey: What to expect from Erdoğan, his ultranationalist alliance and their ‘family values’ pledges


Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s campaign was laced with nationalist and anti-immigrant rhetoric, which is only expected to increase throughout his latest ...

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Turkey elections: The long road ahead



Erdogan's ruling AKP is facing the strongest threat to their rule in the 21 years since they came to power in 2002

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Finland and Sweden’s Turkey concessions: A win for Erdogan and the NATO war machine


We condemn the unacceptable concessions made to Turkey in order to induct Finland and Sweden into NATO at the summit in Madrid

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MeRA25 slams Greece, Turkey and EU for ‘embarrassing’ attitude towards refugees


MeRA25 has issued a statement calling out Greece, Turkey and the EU for their role in the continuous deaths of refugees in the Mediterranean

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EU authoritarianism: Two sides of the same coin


The far-right and the neoliberal Establishment. Why does the European Council want to punish one while cheering on the other?

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Beral Madra on Turkey, the EU and DiEM25’s quest for democracy in the country



Interview with Beral Madra, art critic, curator, honorary president of AICA Turkey and member of DiEM25's Coordinating Collective.

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Democracy and HDP are victims of Erdoğan with the EU as witness


In his latest attempts to ban the HDP party, Erdoğan has stripped HDP member of parliament Kocaeli Ömer Faruk Gergerlioğlu of his status as deputy.

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Gli europei dovrebbero abbassare la testa per la vergogna di quanto sta accadendo a Moria


di DiEM25 Communications | 09/09/2020   È stato inevitabile. L’incarcerazione sull’isola di Lesbos di dodicimila rifugiati nel campo di ...

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