Posts Tagged: eu

Lebanon: How to speak to Macron


Alternative voices must be at invited to the negotiating table as part of a political solution towards true stability for Lebanon and its population.

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While EU leaders squabble, the Elephant in the Room remains unnoticed


While the media are reporting the news of the deadlocked EU Summit negotiations over the so-called ‘Recovery Fund’, an eerie silence prevails ...

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DiEM25 vs ECB: A good day in our struggle to expose the weaponisation of the ECB against European democracy


The General Court of the European Union (EGC) was wrong says Advocate General: the ECB cannot deny Europeans access to the #GreekFiles.

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Europeans must stop rolling out the red carpet for Modi and Hindutva after this pandemic


DiEM25 as a progressive movement calls for an end to discrimination and hatred, propaganda wars and nuclear arms races.

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DiEM25’s vision of Europe for the Post-Pandemic Era: Some personal thoughts


Now that a virus has placed European capitalism in suspended animation, our Vision of Europe demands new radicalism, new alliances, and new ruptures.

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DiEM25 on tonight’s European Union Council decision (Yes, we know what, & how terrible, it will be!)


DiEM25 is calling upon all Europeans to rise up against the EU Council’s latest crime against logic and, yes, against Europe.

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Does the EU have the courage to govern the future?


The European Union will unite or perish. DiEM25's 3-point plan offers the only way towards unification.

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DiEM25 presents 3-point plan for dealing with COVID-19 depression


Here's our 3-point plan to protect all European residents, avert an economic depression, and prevent the collapse of the Union.

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The insidious return of xenophobia in Greece



DiEM25 and MeRA25 will not allow the Greek government to legitimise the Golden Dawn – Greek Solution racist narrative.

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