Posts Tagged: freedom of speech

Solidarity against repression and possible ban of 2024 Palestine Congress in Berlin


The Palestine Congress aims to raise awareness about the ongoing violations of international law by the Israeli military in Gaza and German ...

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Pablo Hasél: a thorn in the side of the Spanish state



Daily protests have been occurring in Spain, calling for the liberation of rapper Pablo Hasél who has been critical of the Spanish state and police.

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The US political establishment want Julian Assange dead


Yanis Varoufakis was interviewed by Novara Media's Aaron Bastani. Find out what he has to say about the verdict of the Julian Assange case.

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Academic freedom in the context of France’s new approach to ‘separatism’


DiEM25 expresses support for the fight of French academics and invites signatures for the appeal on the protection of academic freedoms.

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DSC Belgrade 1: We strongly protest the unlawful and inhumane incarceration of Julian Assange


Assange’s persecution is not his alone. It is all of ours.

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Defend Assange – defend freedom of speech!


Join us on Wednesday, June 12 at 6PM on Đlato Đoke Vještice to fight for free speech. Unfreedom of one of us is unfreedom of all!

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