Posts Tagged: Germany

Simply not good enough: a look at the policy programmes of German political parties


A comparison of DiEM25’s Green New Deal for Europe policy programme with the programmes of other German political parties.

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Germany: will the federal election bring any positive change for Europe?



With 16 years of Angela Merkel coming to an end, who will be the next German chancellor? By Clemens Holtmann.

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Return to Greece: Our journey to the first MeRA25 party congress


On June 4, Clemens Holtmann and Johannes Fehr — Members of Demokratie in Europa — travelled to Greece to attend MeRA25's party Congress.

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[Video] Johannes Fehr: “MeRA25 friends in Greece: you are not alone. We are building resistance everywhere!”


Johannes Fehr's speech at the first MeRA25 Congress in Athens. He's a Board Member of DiEM25's German Electoral Wing: Demokratie in Europa.

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The German Government is blocking the reunification of a family — we mustn’t stand for it



The story of a married Eritrean couple barred from reuniting by the German Embassy in Cairo.

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DiEM25 in Germany: Retrospection on an unusual year


For the German DiEM25 landscape, 2020 brought considerable change to our activist endeavours and electoral wing.

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The DiEM25 Summer Festival 2020: Political organisation in Germany during the pandemic


DiEMers met in Berlin for the DiEM25 Summer Festival 2020 -- the yearly German-speaking reunion of the movement.

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Protest against the extradition of Julian Assange in Bonn, Germany


DiEM25's local group in Bonn call for the freedom of Assange and that of all brave whistleblowers and investigative journalists around the world.

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Julian Assange Exhibition #WeAreMillions


From September 1-14, a photo exhibition on Julian Assange and freedom of the press will take place with the Courage Foundation at KVFM.

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