Posts Tagged: Germany

Berlin Diaries: “Abnormal Normality”


This barbaric and destructive 'old normality’ imposed by the neoliberal establishment should be urgently challenged by progressive political voices.

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Why are they saying no to the eurobond? The case for constructive disobedience in the EU Council


"Without the eurobond, this European Union -- or at least the Eurozone -- has no future."

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Does the EU have the courage to govern the future?


The European Union will unite or perish. DiEM25's 3-point plan offers the only way towards unification.

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DiEM25 strongly condemns the normalisation of right-wing extremism in Germany


Our condolences are with the victims and their families. We stand by you.

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Against the EU Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market


DiEM25 opposes the censorious incursion into freedom of expression that the European Parliament voted for in the form of the EU Directive on ...

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Yanis Varoufakis and Srećko Horvat will stand in next year’s European elections — in Germany [UPDATED]


The candidates to compete in Germany in next May’s European elections have been decided.

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Merkel and Schulz

Germany finally has a government: now what?


We need to resist the neoliberal grip of the European Establishment. No new government will truly represent peoples’ interests unless we speak up!

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Merkel and Schulz

One more round in Germany, as Europe awaits


Merkel and Schulz know how to negotiate, but European democracy is non-negotiable.

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Go European!

Hey German parliament, help democratise Europe!


DiEMers in Berlin launch a new campaign to strengthen European democracy via the Bundestag.

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