Posts Tagged: politics

Reflections on 2019 — Yanis Varoufakis


Campaigning across Europe nearly broke me. But it also convinced me of the deep well of progressive energy waiting to be tapped.

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DiEM25 voted to support The Labour Party – now it's time to show our support


DiEM25 members voted to campaign for a Labour-led government in the UK. Now it's time to act to defeat the Tories.

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After a series of blunders, will Spain’s new coalition government turn a page?


The new PSOE-Podemos government has a chance to turn a page. But will they take it?

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Democracy under attack in Kashmir


As committed and principled democrats, DiEM25 stands in solidarity with the people of Indian Administered Kashmir.

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Greek police storm Athens University and fire teargas at students


MeRA25 members are currently in police custody and held without charges.

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Srećko Horvat: If Europe loses Julian Assange, Europe will lose its soul [VIDEO]


Speech by Srećko Horvat, DiEM25 co-founder, at the Don't Extradite Assange event in London, November 6, 2019.

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DiEMers, you have until November 8 to make an important decision


DiEMers from every corner of Europe have produced over 30 proposals on how to best organise our movement in the years ahead.

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Police brutality in Greece: student hit on the head by flash-bang grenade


MeRA25’s spokesperson condemned police brutality that the right-wing government is implementing to counter popular resistance.

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MeRA25's success is the only sign and hope of resistance to TINA [There is No Alternative]


SYRIZA’s fall from office is the result of its 5-year mutation from a leftist party into the implementing branch of TINA.

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