Posts Tagged: Refugees

Blood on Europe’s hands: EU complicity in financing authoritarianism and forced displacement in the MENA region



The EU’s liberal political establishment has been eroding the rights of migrants and refugees over the last decade

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Refugees are welcome!


On this day, the world commemorates World Refugee Day. It is a sombre reflection on the immense suffering of those forced to flee their homes

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Lampedusa: A system designed to fail



Migrants are engulfed in an expensive bureaucratic swamp, with systems that had proven to work in the past cancelled or criminalised

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The mass deaths of refugees and the responsibility of Greek society


Throughout Europe - and more recently in Greece - we are witnessing a surge in xenophobia, in the form of aggressive tolerance of mass deaths

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E81: Europe’s Mediterranean graveyard


This month saw one of the worst shipwrecks in Europe. Who should be held accountable? And what needs to change to prevent further tragedies?

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World Refugee Day: Raising our solidarity against their fences


World Refugee Day 2023 arrives on the back of yet another tragedy in Greek waters

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Varoufakis interview with La Stampa: Angela Merkel, Italy’s PD and Greece’s refugee policy


Yanis Varoufakis speaks about the Greek government’s shameful policy on refugees, the future of the Eurozone, and much more...

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We condemn Spain’s role in migrant deaths at Melilla crossing


The atrocities at the Spanish-Moroccan border are further proof of the permanent divorce between social democracy and humanitarianism

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MeRA25 slams Greece, Turkey and EU for ‘embarrassing’ attitude towards refugees


MeRA25 has issued a statement calling out Greece, Turkey and the EU for their role in the continuous deaths of refugees in the Mediterranean

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