Posts Tagged: united states

Varoufakis celebrates Assange’s release and condemns those who sought to keep him imprisoned


In this passionate speech, Yanis Varoufakis celebrates Julian Assange's release and fiercely condemns those who sought to keep him imprisoned ...

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Varoufakis on EU economic decline, US-China, BRICS growth and technofeudalism


Yanis Varoufakis provided responses to a number of questions regarding the world’s current economic issues

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Julian Assange allowed to appeal US extradition… but the fight is far from over


The UK High Court has ruled that Assange will, for now, not be extradited to the US, providing momentary respite for the WikiLeaks founder

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Jaw-jaw beats war-war. Every time



We shouldn’t be angry at Tucker interviewing Putin, but instead at our own side’s dismissive and authoritarian attempts to avoid losing control ...

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The US is going after Assange for exposing its war machine


The hearing ended without a judgement, for which we will likely have to wait weeks. In the meantime, the campaign for Assange’s freedom grows

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US treatment of Assange much harsher than that of former spy who turned against the CIA



A look back to alternative historical figures and events to expand our argument for Assange's freedom

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Navalny: Another victim of an authoritarian regime


Navalny paid for his outspoken views against Putin, yet this problem is not exclusive to Russia, with many others around the world suffering ...

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Niger’s coup d’état is not a coup but a realignment



The military coups taking place in West African countries cannot be summarised in a single story: they are a manifestation of subtle and ...

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Austerity ruined Europe, and now it’s back



Europe is responding to the US investment boom with a return to the austerity policies that caused it to fall behind the US in the first place

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