The Gaza Resolution

Amid the unfolding genocide in Gaza, popular movements, parties, and unions across the world issue a pledge to stand for Palestinian liberation and sever ties of complicity with the State of Israel.

We, the undersigned:

(1) Grieve the lives claimed in the renewed cycle of violence, brutality, and destruction unleashed by the ongoing occupation of Palestine;

(2) Consider that the Zionist project is colonial in nature, built on stolen land, and sustained by the systematic exclusion, exploitation, and extermination of the Palestinian people;

(3) Recognize Zionism’s use as a weapon of Western imperialism and the Israeli state as an instrument to suppress sovereignty and unity in the Arab world — and advance violent reaction far beyond it;

(4) Consider that the Zionist regime has demonstrated its genocidal nature both in intent and in effect;

(5) Understand that the fascist violence against the Palestinian people today foreshadows the violence of Western imperialism towards all the world’s workers and oppressed peoples tomorrow because this is the historical tendency of capitalism in decay;

(6) Acknowledge that the Palestinian people face a national struggle, a class struggle, and a feminist struggle; affirm that the national struggle must be won for the other struggles to advance; and reject the weaponization of “colonial feminism” to obscure the primary contradictions of colonialism and imperialism and distract from the patriarchal and sexual violence inherent in them;

(7) Recognize that as a colonial project and imperial outpost, the Israeli state stands against the tendency of history to advance toward liberation, and that the liberation of the Palestinian people will therefore represent not only a severe blow to imperialism everywhere but also a progressive leap for all humanity;

(8) Reject the false equivalence of colonizer and colonized, recognize that the violence of the oppressed is a response to the original condition of their oppression, and uphold the Palestinian people’s inalienable right to resist, enshrined in UN Resolution 2625, as “the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from colonial domination, apartheid and foreign occupation by all available means”;

(9) Denounce the disinformation being spread by the Israeli state and advanced by imperialist powers and their allies, which dehumanizes the Palestinian people, fuels the genocidal war against them, and whitewashes the crimes of their oppressors;

(10) Condemn the silence or equivocation of the non-governmental organizations and movements that weaponize human rights to transform our individual and collective entitlements to assistance, protection, dignity, and solidarity into an arsenal aimed at adversaries of the imperial order;

(11) Support the self-determination and sovereignty of front-line states and regional anti-systemic movements, whose democratic aspirations are constrained both by Israeli military aggression and US pressures to normalize relations with the Israeli state;

(12) Hear the urgent calls for solidarity from the Palestinian people, who demand, in the short-term:

  • an immediate end to the genocide,
  • the immediate delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza and the restoration of water, food, fuel and medical supplies to its people,
  • a military embargo against the Israeli state,
  • an investigation into the crimes against humanity perpetrated by representatives of the Israeli regime and their accomplices around the world,
  • the removal of Palestinian political parties from the US Treasury’s OFAC terrorism sanctions program,
  • the release of all political prisoners, and
  • determined political action at all levels to advance these goals;

(13) Recognize that these immediate aims remain insufficient and commit to supporting the long-standing aspirations of the Palestinian people by:

  • dismantling the mechanisms of corporate, institutional, and state complicity that sustain the Israeli apartheid state and its military machine, including through strikes and direct actions targeting the producers and suppliers of weapons, digital services, informational services, and related products;
  • upholding the truth and combatting the spread of lies and disinformation advanced by the Zionist regime and its imperialist backers, including by exposing their crimes against humanity and advancing popular education on the long struggle for Palestine’s national liberation;
  • advancing the anti-imperialist and anti-colonial struggle around the world, including by taking on Western militarism on all continents;

(14) Knowing that our collective struggles for liberation converge in Palestine, commit to responding to these calls for solidarity; consent for our actions to be measured against the seriousness of their aspirations; and vow to choke the arteries of complicity that sustain the Zionist oppression of the Palestinian people militarily, financially, technologically, and culturally.


  • National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa – NUMSA (South Africa)
  • Palestinian Youth Movement (International)
  • Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan – MKSS (India)
  • DiEM25 (Europe)
  • The Red Nation (International)
  • Potere al Popolo (Italy)
  • Black Alliance for Peace (United States)
  • Black Lives Matter UK (United Kingdom)
  • Communard Union (Venezuela)
  • Socialist Revolutionary Workers Party (South Africa)
  • Telar: Territorios Latinoamericanos en Resistencia (International)
  • Movimento de Pequenos Agricultores – MPA (Brazil)
  • Movimento de Trabalhadores Sem Teto – MTST (Brazil)
  • Ukamau (Chile)
  • Frente Popular Darío Santillán (Argentina)
  • Congreso de los Pueblos (Colombia)
  • Palestine Action US (United States)
  • Haqooq-e-Khalq Party (Pakistan)
  • Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network (International)
  • Mtandao wa Vikundi vya Wakulima Tanzania – MVIWATA (Tanzania)
  • Women’s Democratic Front (Pakistan)
  • Palestinian Feminist Collective (International)
  • Communist Party of Kenya (Kenya)
  • Kuwaiti Progressive Movement (Kuwait)
  • WAELE Africa (International)
  • Coalition for Revolution – CORE (Nigeria)
  • Madaar Sorkh (Iran)
  • Borotba (Ukraine)
  • Danesh va Mardom (Iran)
  • House of Latin America (Iran)
  • Solidarity Iran (Iran)
  • Izquierda Libertaria (Chile)
  • Unión Sindical Obrera de la Industria del Petróleo – USO (Colombia)
  • Akcja Socjalistyczna (Poland)
  • El Maizal Commune (Venezuela)
  • Vencedores de Carorita Commune (Venezuela)
  • El Movimiento Democratico de Mujeres (Spain).

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