Against the extradition of Julian Assange to the United States: Our right to know is his right to publish

The Courage Foundation in cooperation with DiEM25 opens the Europe-wide exhibition “We Are Millions” in Leipzig.

On the 1st of August at 6pm, the Courage Foundation in cooperation with DiEM25 continue the Europe-wide exhibition “We Are Millions” in Leipzig to draw attention to the possible extradition of Julian Assange to the USA.

On the 7th of August, it will host a speaker, as well as performances and video installations in order to shed light on Assange’s case. He is current suffering of psychological torture contrary to human rights and the charges against this journalist are a threat to and restriction of freedom of the press.


  • 19-20h : Opening and photo portrait shootings
  • 20-21h : Speech and Q&A Session with Biologist Esteban Servat on EcoLeaks; which published a secret Argentine government study of the environmental effects of fracking Mendoza

Esteban Servat

The photo exhibition:

Famous representatives from politics and the arts (Ai Weiwei, Srećko Horvat, Yanis Varoufakis, Pamela Anderson, Vivienne Westwood, M.I.A. etc.) have repeatedly offered support to Julian Assange.

The journalist, activist and founder of WikiLeaks is currently serving time in London’s high security Belmarsh prison. After the first hearings on February 24, the exhibition is drawing the public’s attention in Leipzig to the continued violation of the human rights of Assange.

The exhibition shows supporters holding signs that express simply and clearly why they are standing up for Julian Assange, who the United States wants to punish for publishing hundreds of thousands of diplomatic and military documents in 2010.

These publications have exposed war crimes against countless civilian victims, rampant corruption and abuse. The Trump administration has brought 17 espionage charges against Assange, the first ever such charge against a journalist threatening life imprisonment.

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