Archive: Articles

German nationalism on the rise

Mecklenburg: for whom the bell tolls


Europe’s core is proving to be vulnerable to the xenophobic and nationalist symptoms that are on the rise across the continent.

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Why I joined DiEM25 (Judith Meyer)


Judith Meyer shares her personal journey as an anonymous German spectator of the rise and fall of the “Athens Spring” to becoming one of ...

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Yanis Varoufakis' speech at the DiEM25 members meeting in Aegina (August 2016)


Greece is suffocating in a Europe that is disintegrating. And Greece will continue to suffocate as long as Europe is disintegrating. And Europe ...

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Eurosceptics got globalization wrong: Only a democratic EU can boost national sovereignty


De Correspondent interviews a group of DiEM25 volunteers in Brussels.

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Reclaiming Europe from the powers that be – Barbara Spinelli in conversation with Lorenzo Marsili


Barbara Spinelli is an author, journalist and MEP for the GUE/NGL group in the European Parliament, as well as a member of DiEM25. Lorenzo ...

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The IMF confesses it immolated Greece on behalf of the Eurogroup


Yanis Varoufakis calls for resignations at the IMF, ECB and Commission, an apology to the people of Greece, immediate debt relief and the end of ...

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Naples Mayor Joins DiEM25


Italy’s third-largest municipality becomes the newest “rebel city” to embrace the transnational movement’s agenda to democratise the EU.

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Open letter on the attempted coup in Turkey


Several DiEM25 initiators signed an open letter condemning the coup while also condemning the purge undertaken by the Turkish government.

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Grexit - image by Tim Reckmann, licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA

Who was planning a coup?


In Athens, the opposition is currently trying to suck political honey out of a story that is actually already old hat...

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