“European Spring”: The transnational list to present a progressive alternative in 2019 gathers pace

Following last month’s historic launch of a transnational list to take a common progressive agenda to European ballots in 2019, DiEM25 and its European political partners gathered in Lisbon to hold their second meeting on April 26.
Here’s what happened:
On April 25, representatives of the list’s provisional governing council took to the streets along with thousands to commemorate Portugal’s “Freedom Day”.

The council met on the following day at Lisbon’s Biblioteca de São Lázaro, where the following political forces joined as observers: ActúaBarcelona en ComúDie LinkeNouvelle DonneParti communiste français (PCF), Party of the European GreensParty of the European Left, and Transform!

The group covered a packed agenda during an 8-hour-long session, which included agreeing on a common name for the transnational electoral initiative, a common stance on its relation to other movements, parties and lists, as well as an Ethical Code all candidates will observe. A series of work-groups composed of members of each organisation will be formed in the following weeks to develop a common communications strategy, online presence and campaign schedule.

While all of the council’s agreements will be subjected to each organization’s internal democratic procedures, here are some of the key items the council convened during the meeting:
“European Spring”, a name proposed by DiEM25’s membership, received the council’s unanimous vote as the transnational list’s name.

The council also unanimously agreed on an Ethical Code the candidates to the 2019 electoral contest are bound to respect and promote.
Observers were also invited to take part on the discussions. Oliver Schröder, member of Die Linke and speaking on behalf of European Party of the Left President Gregor Gysi, commended the council’s transparency and courageous initiative.

Unity and coherence was the underlying theme during the council’s discussions. In light of the recent emergence of similar pan-European political projects, DiEM25 co-founder Yanis Varoufakis stressed the need to have a discussion on actual policies: “Our worst enemy,” he said, “is not answering the question of what we are going to do to transform the European institutions.”
Generation-s’ Benoit Hamon underscored the importance of campaigning on positive values and a robust programme.

LIVRE’S Rui Tavares proposed a ‘shadow’ European Commission and to further democratise the election of the Spitzenkandidat:

As it was the case after the transnational list launch in Naples last month, this meeting’s conclusions will be made available online by all participating organisations shortly. Also, all decisions regarding the list’s programme will be tabled to all participating organisation’s members for consultation and eventual vote.
“This is what, once again, makes us a unique project,” Varoufakis underlined, “our transnational feedback, as all of our members will be able to comment on the programme – not along national lines, but as Europeans.”

“Today we had our second meeting and we are well on our way to establishing our programme! And anyone can contribute to it, they do not need to be members: participation and transparency is at the heart of our list!”, concluded Varoufakis.
The council’s next meeting will take place in Paris at the end of May 2018.


Media Coverage
Euronews: Greece’s former finance minister gives grim assessment of his country’s economic health
Diário de Noticias: “O Governo português nunca teria sido formado se não desencadeássemos a nossa luta”
Radio Renascenca: Varoufakis foi “special guest star” no desfile de Lisboa
Público: O Governo português tem “uma dívida de gratidão” para com os gregos
RTP: Yanis Varoufakis não poupa críticas a Centeno
Jornal de Negócios: Varoufakis: Fim anunciado do memorando na Grécia não vai terminar com políticas de austeridade
Expresso: Varoufakis: Centeno é um “instrumento do Eurogrupo” e das políticas de Schäuble
Jornal de Negócios: Varoufakis: Actual Governo em Portugal foi formado porque Alemanha já não podia esmagar esquerda portuguesa
Observador: O que mudou com Centeno no Eurogrupo? “Nada”, acusa Varoufakis
Noticias ao Minuto: “Situação na Grécia piora diariamente. Virar a página? É insulto ao povo”
País ao Minuto: “Precisamos de uma nova revolução para libertar a Europa”
TVI: Milhares de portugueses (e um grego) comemoram 25 de Abril nas ruas de Lisboa
SIC Noticias: “Os cidadãos europeus estão fartos de pensamentos ilusórios”
Diário de Noticias: Lista transnacional concorre às eleições europeias de 2019 sob a designação de Primavera Europeia
SAPO24: Lista transnacional concorre às eleições europeias de 2019 sob a designação de Primavera Europeia
Público: “Sempre pensei que a esquerda se distingue pelo internacionalismo”
Jornal de Leiria: Actual governo em Portugal foi formado porque Alemanha já não podia esmagar esquerda portuguesa–Yanis Varoufakis

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