Archive: Articles

Watch live: the Athens Declaration, presented by Yanis Varoufakis, Jeremy Corbyn and Ece Temelkuran


A press conference on behalf of the Progressive International, DiEM25 and MeRA25 on May 13, 2022, in Athens

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EU authoritarianism: Two sides of the same coin


The far-right and the neoliberal Establishment. Why does the European Council want to punish one while cheering on the other?

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DiEMers in Italy stage flashmob to launch Lavoro Se, a movement to retake our labour rights


On Thursday April 28, DiEMers in Italy staged a flashmob to launch Lavoro Se, a movement to retake control of our labour rights

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When and how will the Ukraine war end?


From the calm and controlled way the West reacts, it seems NATO's plan is moving full steam ahead. But it's far more complicated than that

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Ukrainian refugees and the others



While the rush to facilitate Ukrainian refugees is admirable, it begs the question as to why the same is not done for everyone else in need

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DiEM25 launches ‘Lavoro se’: A labour rights campaign in Italy


Our movement is looking to take back control of Italians' labour rights with clear goals and a few simple steps

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Carnation Revolution: A reminder of how far Portugal and Europe have drifted



Freedom Day no longer embodies what it once stood for, it instead provides a stark warning of democracy's waning values across the continent

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Macron and Le Pen: A growing co-dependence



The comfortable re-election of French president Emmanuel Macron against an opponent with whom he shares a mutual dislike almost obscures a ...

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DiEM25 critically backs Macron against Le Pen in French election second round


An all-member vote on the run-in between Macron and Le Pen sees DiEM25 members opt for the current president

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