Archive: Articles

Italy desperately needs a radical political alternative


We expect little from the coming elections, already feeling let down as the 'new' parliament will be composed of the same old faces

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Your NHS Needs You comedy night raises vital funds


With a total of 1,210 people in attendance, the event proved to be a resounding success

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Belgians are in a state of political apathy



Around every corner, there seems to be a major talking point that should be troubling the Belgian people, yet the public seems stuck in a state ...

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Greek actors demand justice after child rapist theatre director is released


Dimitris Lignadis was sentenced to 12 years in prison for raping two minors, before inexplicably being freed, causing outrage across Greece

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Italy: A country left in ruins by a political circus



As the country lies in a heap of problems, none of Italy's leading political actors seem to be able to cater to the needs of a hurting nation

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The true vision of Nelson Mandela



While today we celebrate Mandela as the beacon of humanity, we should recall his decades spent in active organisation against oppression

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Government and police side with fascists in Montenegro


During the country’s Statehood Day, there was a peaceful celebration of antifascists. Yet police opted to defend the fascists who interrupted ...

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Varoufakis presses Mitsotakis over illegal pushbacks


Forensic Architecture's investigation published on Friday reveals in shocking detail the crime of illegal pushbacks by the Greek government

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Greece and EU have left over 27,000 people to die in Aegean Sea


Investigation finds shocking number of cases in which the Greek Coast Guard and FRONTEX ordered migrants to find their own way back to Turkey

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