Archive: Articles

End the pointless war



The impact of the tragic and unnecessary war in Ukraine is being increasingly felt on the poor and precarious

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Russophobia at home won’t help Ukrainians


The targeting of Russian culture and individuals reveals more than hypocrisy

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Women in politics: Gender equality alone doesn’t solve the system’s ills


The case for equality in politics remains a necessary one, but focusing merely on gender doesn’t address the core of the system’s ills.

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Pick a side: How to take a stand in polarised times


Despite being a human need, picking a side feels like a lazy way of looking at modern conflict. Why can’t we keep two thoughts in our heads at ...

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Feminists of the world, unite!


More than ever, feminism needs to be a political safe haven for marginalised groups, where rights are equal across the board.

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Our team in Berlin made this creative protest action against war in Ukraine – here’s how you can do the same


Our activists sent out a sobering message in front of the Russian embassy in Berlin, with toys depicting each loss of a child’s life in the war ...

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Is neutrality Ukraine’s best option?


Although far from straightforward, DiEM25 co-founder Yanis Varoufakis has spoken of the merits of the ‘Finlandisation’ of Ukraine.

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I lived through NATO’s bombing. These are the mistakes we can’t repeat with Ukraine


Russia’s aggression against Ukraine has brought widespread condemnation, yet there are also traps of the past that are important to avoid.

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We condemn Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and call for civil society to organise for peace


No More Wars – Sign the petition! We condemn Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and call for civil society to organise for peace.

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