Archive: Articles

Pablo Hasél: a thorn in the side of the Spanish state



Daily protests have been occurring in Spain, calling for the liberation of rapper Pablo Hasél who has been critical of the Spanish state and police.

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A vaccine apartheid is unfolding across the globe



The COVID-19 vaccine should be a public good -- but instead, a global vaccine apartheid is unfolding. 

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Raise your voice for Assange


The first DiEM Voice open call "Raise your voice for Assange" is out! We are seeking work from all artistic disciplines for an ongoing online ...

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Yanis Varoufakis on the consequences of capitalism in 2021


Yanis Varoufakis discusses the consequences of capitalism with Lisa Graves and Noam Chomsky.

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In support of Ken Loach in the face of absurd accusations of antisemitism


Ken Loach is now the target of a character assassination campaign waged by those who will stop at nothing to shield the Apartheid policies of Israel.

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DiEM TV: Let’s Talk It Over with Frank Barat, Yanis Varoufakis, Roger Waters, Noura Erakat


Noura Erakat, Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, Roger Waters and Yanis Varoufakis discuss America after Trump and more!

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Biden Administration pursues extradition of Julian Assange


The Biden administration's pursuit of extradition signals that 'nothing will fundamentally change' despite the hope of freedom of speech advocates.

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Europe must advance sexual rights in 2021


On European Sexual Health Day, DiEM25's thematic group on Gender calls on states to uphold sexual and reproductive health rights.

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Catch the first episode of our DiEM Voice TV series!


DiEM25's arts and culture platform now hosts DiEM Voice TV. Watch the first episode on 15 February at 20:00 CET!

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