Archive: Articles

2020 in Review: Everything could be different


2020 was a big year for DiEM25 - check out everything we got done. In 2021, we will continue to fight for a postcapitalist future!

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Julian Assange will not be extradited


Today, Assange's extradition to the US has been blocked by a UK Judge due to concerns over his mental health and risk of suicide in the US.

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A festive message on behalf of DiEM25 for 2021


This year leaves behind much debris -- but we also owe a debt of gratitude to 2020: It has helped expose seven fundamental secrets.

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Help us stop a retail giant destroying our city


The El Corte Inglés mega-project threatens to put Porto’s small shopkeepers out of business, cause congestion and destroy a historical landmark.

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MeRA25 MP has immunity stripped and is prosecuted for criticising the police


In a 'thunderous defeat of parliamentarism', MeRA25 MP Ms. Adamopoulou had her immunity stripped after addressing police violence.

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Unaffordable rents are crushing people during the pandemic


DiEM25 members are responding to colossal rent and mortgage debt obligations with a campaign tackling housing issues in Europe!

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International Migrants Day and COVID19: A call for a migrant’s lens in policy


A rise in COVID-19 cases is once again being seen across Europe, while migrants continue to be excluded from government measures.

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The Holberg Debate: Is global stability a pipe dream?


Amidst a global pandemic, economic instability, persistent armed conflicts and the climate crisis, Varoufakis calls for tackling systemic threats.

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Designing a postcapitalist future in the midst of the pandemic


We may already be in the early phase of a grim post-capitalism. It's time to start designing, together, a desirable post-capitalism.

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