Archive: Articles

DiEM25 in Germany: Retrospection on an unusual year


For the German DiEM25 landscape, 2020 brought considerable change to our activist endeavours and electoral wing.

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On the right’s perverse hijacking of the left’s “populism”



The root causes of a lack of a peaceful transfer of power remain unsaid. The EU should reflect on its own democratic deficiencies.

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Creative protest and how to build a movement: An interview with Radomir Lazovic


DiEM TV's News from the Frontlines is about confronting power. In this episode Mehran Khalili speaks to Serbian activist Radomir Lazovic.

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Trumpism: How did we get here?



Donald Trump, his thugs and his political colluders have exposed how deep this disease of narcissism, greed and racism is in the US.

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The US political establishment want Julian Assange dead


Yanis Varoufakis was interviewed by Novara Media's Aaron Bastani. Find out what he has to say about the verdict of the Julian Assange case.

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“Free Assange!” protests are taking place every Monday in Brussels 


The 92nd protest in support of Julian Assange in Brussels took place on Monday 4 January and will continue until he is free!

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DiEM25 on Trumpism’s Washington rampage


Trumpism went on a rampage in Washington. DiEM25 condemns this show of neo-fascist force.

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The first full year of MeRA25 in parliament!


MeRA25's members of parliament stood their ground in support of Greek democracy, economic sovereignty and social justice.

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Extradition denied, but the fight for Julian Assange’s freedom continues


They are not trying to extradite him, they are trying to kill him! DiEM25 demands the immediate release of Julian Assange.

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