Archive: Articles

Authoritarianism in Australia: right-wing politics in the antipodes



The emergence of COVID-19 has deflected attention from rising authoritarianism across a number of areas in Australia.

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Britain’s COVID-19 housing crisis


Being housebound for months due to COVID-19 has highlighted the disparity in housing quality between the haves and have-nots.

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Something remarkable just happened this August: How the pandemic has sped up the passage to postcapitalism


In the post-2008 world, speculators don’t actually give a damn about the economy. COVID-19 found capitalism in this zombified state.

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Lebanon: How to speak to Macron


Alternative voices must be at invited to the negotiating table as part of a political solution towards true stability for Lebanon and its population.

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Against “de-platforming” and other stunts



We cannot allow the stifling of criticism, so that a few media activists insist on describing the current protests in strictly cultural terms.

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Lebanon: What happens when a ruling class goes unchecked


The recent explosion in Beirut, Lebanon - which killed more than 150 people, injured more than 5,000 - is no accident. 

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Bulgaria protests: exclusive interview with the coordinators of the on-going anti-corruption uprising


On August 10, 2020, members of DiEM25’s Sofia1 DSC sat down with Nikolay Hadjigenov and Arman Babikyan from the “Poisoning Trio”, widely ...

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The European gas conflict is heating up a New Cold War between US and Russia


US pushes for "freedom gas" and threatens sanctions against EU companies building Nord Stream II after "Putin's Pipeline" Nord Stream I.

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Death in paradise: The aftermath of nuclear testing in Australia and Oceania


After Hiroshima and Nagasaki, nuclear weapons testing has continued in the Pacific islands or the Australian desert - and reparations are due.

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