Julian Assange will not be extradited

The Wikileaks founder’s extradition has been denied by UK Judge

Today, Julian Assange’s extradition to the US has been blocked by UK District Judge Vanessa Baraitser due to concerns over his mental health and risk of suicide in the US. She stated that:

“Faced with the conditions of near total isolation without the protective factors which limited his risk at HMP Belmarsh, I am satisfied the procedures described by the US will not prevent Mr Assange from finding a way to commit suicide and for this reason I have decided extradition would be oppressive by reason of mental harm and I order his discharge.”

Her ruling marks an important time to reflect on the brutality of the US prison system.

Although this is great news, journalists such as Glenn Greenwald and Stefania Maurizi remain concerned about how the case is being framed by the judge, and how US talking points are infiltrating the rulings. Indeed, most of the judge’s remarks supported the prosecution, as she has shockingly said that there is ‘no public interest defense’, journalistic defense or political opinion defense in this case.

DiEMers across Europe have been protesting today, and it’s important to keep supporting the cause as the full details emerge.

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