DiEM25 in Cyprus’ position on 2023 Cypriot presidential election second round

Following the first announcement of DiEM25 in Cyprus where we expressed our disappointment at the inability of the progressive and democratic polity to join forces around a strong candidacy, we now return with an announcement in view of the second round of the presidential elections, set to take place on Sunday, February 12.

Bearing in mind the disastrous 10-year policy of the DISY administration, with Nicos Anastasiades, Nikos Christodoulides and their affiliates, today we choose to oppose them. We oppose the corruption, the lack of the rule of law, the selling off of public wealth, the definitive division and their subservience to the oligarchy.

DiEM25 Cyprus takes a stand and joins forces with progressives that support the candidacy of Andreas Mavroyiannis.

We are under no illusions that a pro-grassroots, non-aligned and green government will emerge from the presidency of Mr Mavroyiannis. As a movement, we will intensify our political action to increase our influence on the political status quo, as a voice of the working class, the precariat and the under-represented social groups, through democratisation and environmental policy.

If Mr. Mavroyiannis’ actions, under his hypothetical presidency, end up being at odds with our policies , then this will be a struggle into which we will throw ourselves without hesitation.

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