Posts By: DiEM25 Communications

World Press Freedom Day: Greece remains lowest ranked EU country


Greece has once again been delivered a brutal reminder of how desperately it needs to address the serious lack of safety for journalists

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Twenty theses for liberation


We invite you to consider the 20 Theses for Liberation as a living document to engage with in a continued, collective process.

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Defend Jeremy Corbyn, Defend Democracy!


Help DiEM25 defend Jeremy Corbyn and the rights of his London constituents

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Activist account: MERA25 Bremen action weekend April 15-16



'Wolf', a former US Marine Data Analyst, went to Bremen on April 15-16 to support the campaign and meet the candidates. This is his report

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Yanis Varoufakis at the Cambridge Union: Britain, Europe, the new Cold War and Technofeudalism


Varoufakis returned to the Cambridge Union to discuss a Europe-at-war, post-Brexit Britain, and the New Cold War among other topics

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The housing crisis: Perspectives from across Europe


What are the root causes of this growing - yet relatively under-reported - crisis?

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DiEMers from across Europe are meeting in Greece this May


Athens is now set to host DiEM25's fourth Academy: an opportunity for our members to meet in person and merge perspectives from around Europe

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We stand with Jeremy Corbyn


We stand with Jeremy Corbyn as a genuine internationalist and inspiration to progressive forces around the world

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DiEM25 calls on members and friends in France to join nationwide mobilisation


DiEM25 calls upon members and friends in France to flood the streets of every town and city against the government’s authoritarian tactics

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