Posts By: DiEM25 Communications

Varoufakis: Meloni backs main EU and NATO establishment policies


Meloni may have campaigned on challenging the European institutions but, in reality, she is aligned with the EU and NATO establishment

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Interview with ‘End Fossil: Occupy’: “We’re bringing back the mass youth movement”


DiEM25 sat down with activist Lucas Wermeier to discuss the End Fossil: Occupy! movement

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Liz Truss vs Rishi Sunak: The illusion of change


As the United Kingdom prepares to find out who will become the new prime minister with great anticipation, the unfortunate reality is that ...

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Deadline extended: We’re hiring a Communications Coordinator in Germany


If you're a communications professional with a passion for social change and radical progressive politics, we want to hear from you.

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Mitsotakis continues to tiptoe around spying scandal


The Greek prime minister claims he had no knowledge of the wiretapping of opposition leader Nikos Androulakis and journalists

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The results of DiEM25’s 2022 Coordinating Collective elections


The long awaited results of the 2022 Coordinating Collective elections are in, with a total of six posts filled following the August vote.

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DiEM25 and MeRA25 in Greece condemn the Greek government’s abandonment of refugees in Evros


Forty refugees are stranded without access to food or water and a five-year old has died in Evros, Greece.

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DiEM25 backs campaign to halt EU Commission’s anti-privacy legislation


We are among over 100 civil society and professional organisations that have signed a letter to uphold privacy, security and free expression

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DiEM25 supports Occupy: End Fossil Now campaign


DiEM25 is backing the Occupy: End Fossil Now campaign which is arranging a series of youth-led protests in the coming months to put an end to ...

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