Posts By: DiEM25 Communications

German, Greek and Italian MERA25 political parties launch European Election campaign on Nakba Day


The event took place on May 15, in Athens, with the title 'European Nakba: How the EU is covering up the genocide'

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MERA25 launches European election campaign: ‘Peace, Solidarity, Freedom: Our Campaign for Europe’


MERA25 Germany is running for the European elections and will host its launch event for the campaign on Friday, 17 May 2024

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Yanis Varoufakis sues the German state


In the interests of Germans and everyone else who cherishes political freedom, the German state's slide towards lawlessness and totalitarianism ...

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The EU’s new ecocide law may still let environmental criminals get away with it



The EU passed a law that criminalises actions “comparable to ecocide” but some limitations in the definition may undermine grounds for prosecution

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‘The closest we’ve been since partition’: Irish reunification on the horizon


In Northern Ireland, recent political shifts underscore the increasing momentum towards Irish reunification, particularly catalyzed by Brexit's ...

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World Press Freedom Day: We continue to demand Julian Assange’s immediate release


On World Press Freedom Day, we remind the world about Julian Assange’s ongoing fight for freedom and reiterate our support for the WikiLeaks founder

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DiEM25 and MERA25 members and activists hold May 1 celebrations across Europe


To mark Labour Day on May 1, MERA25 members and its supporters took to the streets to celebrate the occasion, as well as to persist on the ...

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Dublin: Yanis Varoufakis, Clare Daly and Bernadette McAliskey call for radical European opposition


The trio spoke at a packed meeting held at the Button Factory in Dublin on April 29, titled ‘Towards The Abyss: Is Europe going from crisis to ...

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Yanis Varoufakis’ speech in Dublin: Is Europe going from crisis to catastrophe?


Yanis Varoufakis was invited to speak at the event hosted by Clare Daly at the Button Factory Dublin, Ireland, on Monday, April 29

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