Search Results for: assange

The. Full. Secret. Eurogroup. Recordings.


On March 14, for the first time in history, Europeans will be able to take a front seat in the meetings where their future is…

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The results are in: here’s who was elected to lead our movement


The results of the 2019 CC elections are in! DiEM25 members from across Europe and beyond have voted, and our renewed Coordinating Collective (CC) has…

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We Are Millions


The Courage Foundation, supported by DiEM25, have launched #WeAreMillions, a massive photo campaign to demonstrate global support for WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange as he fights…

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Our whistleblowing laws must change


The world has never needed more whistleblowers more. And yet whistleblowers have never face greater fear and uncertainty for speaking out against governments and corporations.…

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The results are in: Here’s who was elected to lead our movement


DiEM25 members from across Europe and beyond have voted, and our renewed Coordinating Collective (CC) has emerged. Meet the women and men chosen to guide our movement…

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DiEM25 salutes the Spanish parliament’s decision to move past Rajoy to a new era of change


Today’s Spanish parliament decision to put an end to the Popular Party’s administration is the beginning of a new era for the Eurozone’s fourth-largest economy.…

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“Just be fair”: when does journalism undermine its own reputation?


Stefania Maurizi works for the Italian daily La Repubblica as an investigative journalist. She has worked on all the WikiLeaks releases of secret documents, and…

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DiEM25 Eastern Europe

Not all quiet on the Eastern front…


The joint endeavour of Diemers from Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Serbia working on the Eastern European platform has already been publicised in this article. This was…

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DiEM25: One Year On


[vc_row css_animation="fadeIn"][vc_column el_class="oyo_openning_text"][vc_column_text css_animation="fadeIn"]In February 2016, we launched our movement with a simple goal: to democratise Europe. Back then, the establishment media quickly dismissed us…

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