European Elections: MERA25 falls short but our objectives remain the same

After a long and hard-fought European Election campaign, MERA25, DiEM25’s political party, unfortunately was not able to secure a seat in the European Parliament.

With candidates in Greece, Germany and Italy, we had valiantly pushed our philosophy and beliefs that we believed, and still believe more than ever, were needed to help create a more just and prosperous European Union, following years of incompetence and failed promises from the powers that be.

At a critical time for the continent, and beyond, Europeans had a unique opportunity to choose the only path that could lead to peace, freedom, and dignity that Europe had long promised but never fully delivered. Disappointingly, this was not reflected in the polls on Sunday.

We would like to thank all the people who have contributed to our efforts in recent months, and even years, to spread the word about our message and to fearlessly go against the status quo that has reigned supreme for far too long.

The MERA25 candidates were clear and united in their priorities: peace, freedom, dignity, and the green transition.

We promised a new Europe, and despite not having the outcome that we wanted, it will not stop us from persisting with our aims and values. We will continue to take the fight to the establishment, confronting the lies of the elite and push for meaningful change at every opportunity.

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