MeRA25 Statement: Unity and struggle against the 5th Memorandum

The spectre of the 5th Memorandum [austerity program] is haunting Greece, bringing salary and pension cuts, further impoverishment of the already poor and enslavement of the middle and working classes.

At the same time, it surrenders to the oligarchy-without-borders whatever is left of the country’s public and private wealth (predatory funds, predatory extraction companies, predatory entanglement of commercial and political interests).
In the Times of Coronavirus, faced with the spectrum of renewed economic collapse and Debt derailment, the apparent ownership by Mr. Mitsotakis [Greek PM] of the demand for a Eurobond was his “Last Bluff”. No sooner was it rejected than he “forgot” about it, paving the way for the inhumane New Austerity that the 5th Memorandum will bring in mid-2021 and for many years to come.
As of today, all government moves aim solely at electoral victory, which they will try to snatch from the people before citizens realize their plan of plunder on behalf of the parasitic oligarchy.

The post-coronavirus age requires Unity and Struggle.

That is why MeRA25 is rallying citizens to a people-wide commitment on the basis of an agreement including seven points: 

  • PUBLIC DEBT: Veto in every Eurogroup and European Summit, until the profound restructuring of Greek public debt and material progress is made in Europe-wide sharing of the Crisis burdens.
  • RED LOANS: Establishment of a Public Company for Restructuring and Management of Private Debts which puts an end to plan “Heracles” [legislation to remove non-performing loans from banks’ balance sheets by selling them to offshore funds, resulting in foreclosures and evictions], abolishing the predator funds’ vital space and thus ensuring just protection for peoples’ homes and the middle and working classes.
  • BANKS-PAYMENTS SYSTEM: Greek banks have gone bankrupt once again. This time round we will not allow public money to be handed to them, unless: (a) they are nationalized and (b) the banks’ monopoly on electronic payments is broken, with the founding of a Public Electronic Payments System, which allows for transactions free of charge without the banks’ intermediation.
  • LABOUR: Establishment of a Decent Basic Income for all, immediate abolition of the regime of “rented” employees, and Collective Bargaining Agreements for all.
  • TAXATION: Immediate abolition of tax prepayments and deep haircuts in the taxes of households and small and medium enterprises, especially those hit by the lockdown.
  • AN END TO EXTRACTION: Fossil fuels to remain in the depths of the earth. [earlier this month the government passed a bill opening the door to exploratory oil and gas drilling in protected areas].
  • INTERNMENT CAMPS: Immediate abolition of all “closed camps” in which migrants are concentrated.

In 2010 our society was unprepared. Caught by surprise, citizens succumbed to the orchestrated attack of the troika and their instrument of torture, the 1st Memorandum. In 2020 we know better.
This time “ignorance” is not forgiven. United and in time, we ought to prepare the struggle to prevent the 5th Memorandum.

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