MeRA25's success is the only sign and hope of resistance to TINA [There is No Alternative]

After the recent elections in Greece (July 2019) the overall shift to the Right registers the acceptance of TINA [the dogma that There Is No Alternative] by the majority of the Greek people.

SYRIZA’s fall from office is the result of its 5-year mutation from a leftist party, which represented the insurrections of 2011-12 with the popular mandate for Greece’s exit from austerity, into the implementing branch of TINA.  In the elections the people voted for its “original” representative, i.e. the right-wing New Democracy (ND). For MeRA25:

1. ND is building a new parasitical model on the basis of the 4th memorandum signed by Tsipras, which reproduces that of Latvia, (increased migration, low wages, hedge-funds for non-performing loans, banks for laundering money from abroad and “filets” for the oligarchs).

2. ND’s fiscal policy repeats the same fatal combination of the big surpluses imposed by the Troika, i.e. austerity for the people and money for the lenders.

3. ND’s agenda “law and order” is designed to prevent the social outcry bound to erupt as a result of these destructive economic policies.

MeRA25’s success is the only sign and hope that social resistance to TINA is still possible, and so is the development of a strategy for and mass appeal against political subjection and economic enslavement to the vicious cycle of debt and austerity.

Three current destructive policies in Greece and challenges for both MeRA25 and DiEM25:

1. The abolition of elementary labour rights

In Parliament, ΜeRΑ25 is fighting against the relevant bill with concrete counter-proposals.

Proposal: A DiEM25 campaign against the destruction of labour rights and for the protection of jobs, reduced work hours, minimum wage and workplace democracy.

2. Environmental destruction

In Parliament, ΜeRΑ25 is the only force with a complete environmental agenda and is systematically organising contacts with movements. 

Proposal: Increasing and disseminating DiEM25’s Ecological Transition programme.

3. Migrants and refugees

The Turkish government’s announcement of the suspension of the EU-Turkey deal and the invasion of Northern Syria are threatening to “flood” (in Erdogan’s language) the EU, and especially Greece, with refugees.

Proposal: DiEM25 should organise a pan-European campaign that hinges on the abolition of the distinction between political and economic migrant/refugee, and call for peace.

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