Six years of DiEM25: Where did we come from, and where will we go next?

Where did we come from, and where will we go next? In this livestream we talk about the history of our movement up until this moment, with a focus on our mistakes and the lessons we’ve learned from them. In the second part, we talk about the future: DiEM25’s goals now, and how have they changed since 2016, how will we accomplish these goals, and prospectives for the future!

Our panel, including Yanis Varoufakis and the rest of our team, takes on these issues and answers your questions.

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The democratic decline of Europe

In defence of fundamental rights and public liberties in Europe: A radically democratic plea from a legal perspective

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Unite for Earth Day: Rally against war’s assault on our planet

Join us in the rebellion for peace and the planet

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MERA25 condemns Germany’s authoritarian turn: German government caught lying about ban on Yanis Varoufakis

The German Ministry of the Interior has grossly overstepped its authority by imposing an undemocratic ban on Yanis Varoufakis

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Declaration of the Palestine Congress

Let us join forces with the Palestinians fighting for their freedom and with the international movement against genocide

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