The interests of common people can only be served by a new Non-Aligned Movement
Read more8.05.2022
Interview with Jeremy Corbyn ahead of his participation at MeRA25 Congress: Ukraine, Brexit, Greece, the NHS, Labour Party and more!
Read more2.05.2022
The far-right and the neoliberal Establishment. Why does the European Council want to punish one while cheering on the other?
Read more29.04.2022
On Thursday April 28, DiEMers in Italy staged a flashmob to launch Lavoro Se, a movement to retake control of our labour rights
Read more27.04.2022
While the rush to facilitate Ukrainian refugees is admirable, it begs the question as to why the same is not done for everyone else in need
Read more8.04.2022
In order to understand the conflict in Ukraine, we must first reflect on the history of the tug-of-war between Russia and the West
Read more24.03.2022
Whether wind, solar, gas or nuclear, incentivising private finance is not going to solve climate change.
Read more24.02.2022
Stop Putin's invasion. Stop NATO escalation. Peace via a people's diplomacy!
Read more23.02.2022
We takes on nuclear energy. Can it solve climate change like some are suggesting, or is it just a path to destruction?
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