Posts Tagged: Germany

Make Amazon Pay

German DiEM25 activists take Amazon’s perverse labour practices head-on


Working conditions are worsening all over Europe and DiEM25 activists are joining the struggle to reverse the trend.

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Jeroen Dijsselbloem and Wolfgang Schäuble

Schäuble leaves but Schäuble-ism lives on


The FDP’s ascension will see to it that Wolfgang Schäuble’s departure will not alter the policy of doing whatever it takes to prevent the ...

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It’s time to make a choice

It’s time to make a choice


This is not a time for rest and reflection – our window of opportunity to make progressive change happen is closing fast.

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What now, Europe?

What now, Europe?


It is time for German voters to realize that a vote for the CDU is a vote for short-term rewards and a long-term disastrous breakup of the EU.

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Germany: among the top 10 coal-producing countries

German elections, science and climate change


We should envision the next German chancellor addressing all criticism on matters of climate change by accelerating Germany’s green transition ...

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To lead Europe Germany needs to come to terms with its crucial role in it


It is greatly disappointing that the federal election campaign has been so parochial, so empty of any serious debate on Europe.

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German elections 2017: DiEM25's 8 proposals for Germany’s Progressives


Read DiEM25´s policy proposals ahead of this month's German federal elections.

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German elections

Will elections in Germany change anything?


All Europe’s hopes are pinned on the German elections on September 24th.

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German nationalism on the rise

Mecklenburg: for whom the bell tolls


Europe’s core is proving to be vulnerable to the xenophobic and nationalist symptoms that are on the rise across the continent.

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