Posts Tagged: labour rights

Hey, boss, leave those kids alone



In Portugal, let's not turn our young people into a cheap alternative source of profit, like the Netherlands is doing

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DiEM25 in Cyprus condemns unilateral €940 gross minimum wage


The decision by the DISY government serves the interests of employers and oligarchs, whom they politically (always) represent

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Radically changing the world of work: Different political movements and a common programme



Anti-capitalist struggles must unite and define a common programme when it comes to the future of work and labour rights

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Reclaiming Italian labour rights: DiEM25 launches ‘Lavoro se’ campaign


Co-founder Yanis Varoufakis was present in support of the new initiative which seeks to assist in reclaiming labour rights in Italy

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DiEM25 launches ‘Lavoro se’: A labour rights campaign in Italy


Our movement is looking to take back control of Italians' labour rights with clear goals and a few simple steps

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The state of our unions in the UK



Amidst Brexit and COVID-19, our unions are more important than ever in order to fight 'fire and rehire' schemes and eroding worker protections.

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