Posts Tagged: MeRA25

Against Germany funding the army over peace


The German government coalition has agreed on massive military funding in what is a breach of policy and values in its post-war history.

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MERA25 Greece calls for joint anti-war action by Greek Left parties


In the wake of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, MeRA25’s Central Committee has voted in favour of a peaceful resolution between all major powers

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Wildfires: Looking at Greece, deciding about Europe


While the fires rage, the members of DiEM25 stand in solidarity with the people and the animals that are suffering.

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Open Letter to Joe Biden by 95 Greek MPs: “Drop all charges against Julian Assange!”


The struggle to free Julian is also a struggle to prevent the dying of the last hope that barbarism can be resisted.

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Return to Greece: Our journey to the first MeRA25 party congress


On June 4, Clemens Holtmann and Johannes Fehr — Members of Demokratie in Europa — travelled to Greece to attend MeRA25's party Congress.

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[Video] Johannes Fehr: “MeRA25 friends in Greece: you are not alone. We are building resistance everywhere!”


Johannes Fehr's speech at the first MeRA25 Congress in Athens. He's a Board Member of DiEM25's German Electoral Wing: Demokratie in Europa.

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MeRA25 holds first phase of its Consultative Congress


The first phase of the party's Congress focussed on the adoption of MeRA25's positions regarding 21 thematic sectors.

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ΜeRΑ25 Congress: A Celebration of Democracy — June 4-6


MeRA25, DiEM25's Electoral Wing in Greece, is holding its first Congress between June 4-6 at the Multi-unit Site of Drapetsona.

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[Video] The legislative comeback of patriarchal misogyny: Greek government passes compulsory joint custody legislation


Yanis Varoufakis' personal speech on joint custody and 'parental alienation': a contribution to the debate of a new Greek family law.

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