The main resolutions of the MeRA25 Central Committee: 9 July 2023

The main resolutions of the 8th Meeting of the Central Committee of MeRA25 on 9 July 2023:

1. The CC accepts in principle the joint Proposal of the Secretary and the Policy Secretariat

2. The CC calls on all those who, during the long election campaign, have identified in MeRA25 the characteristics of a party that can be the catalyst for a Modern Pluralist & Ecological Left to join MeRA25 in order to actively participate in the pre-congress dialogue and in the co-design of policies and the character of MeRA25 at the 2nd Deliberative Congress.

3. The CC announces the 2nd Deliberative Congress of MeRA25 for December 8,9 and 10 with a twofold objective:

  • The reconstruction of MeRA25 not as “another party of the Left” but as a political expression of the fusion of the traditions of DiEM25 and the radicalisation that became necessary, after 2019, since the deepening of the crisis of European and Greek capitalism. And,
  • the Reconstitution of the Left so that the unifying legacy of the “MeRA25-Coalition for Rupture” electoral scheme can form the basis for an enlarged front of progressive forces and independent progressive citizens in view of the political, economic and social developments that are foreseen to be gloomy in the next four years. In this context: a Dialogue, Unity and Reconstruction Initiative is being set up, looking ahead to our Congress in December, to call for an honest self-critical dialogue, through which common ground will be found for a new unifying effort, which will also help us in the process of organisational reconstruction of MeRA25. The CC, initially, entrusts this initiative to Iro Dioti and Dimitris Zervoudakis.

4. The CC notes the silence of the Greek and EU authorities regarding the investigation of the crime off the coast of Pylos. In memory of the hundreds dead and in the name of humanitarianism, MeRA25 will not stop demanding the disclosure of the truth over the role of the Coast Guard and Frontex in the loss of so many of our fellow human beings.

5. The CC condemns the murderous (and, according to international law, illegal) invasion of the West Bank town of Jenin by Israeli troops, and its cynical presentation by the Western media as a “special operation” by the Israeli army targeting “pockets of terrorists”. The hypocrisy and propaganda of the Western establishment encourages war crimes to the extent that it covers them up.

6. The CC (a) condemns the US government for selling “cluster bombs” to Ukraine which are banned by at least 100 countries (including Germany, France and Great Britain), and (b) demands an answer from the Mitsotakis government if this shipment, or part of it, was transported through Alexandroupolis or another Greek port/airport.

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