Archive: Articles

Against Germany funding the army over peace


The German government coalition has agreed on massive military funding in what is a breach of policy and values in its post-war history.

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MERA25 Greece calls for joint anti-war action by Greek Left parties


In the wake of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, MeRA25’s Central Committee has voted in favour of a peaceful resolution between all major powers

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Stop the War in Ukraine


Stop Putin's invasion. Stop NATO escalation. Peace via a people's diplomacy!

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No War! No Expansionism!


The solution exists and is simple: No NATO expansion into Ukraine. And an immediate return of Russian troops to Russian soil. No war.

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No offence



Generating offence is a weapon of the Establishment – and they’re using it on you. Here’s how to fight back.

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Oppose the Health and Care Bill: join the NHS day of action on February 26


From Feb 14, billboards, ad vans and bus stops will carry direct messages to voters in constituencies where their Tory MP voted for the Bill.

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The Belmarsh Tribunal NYC: Shut down Guantanamo. Free Assange — February 25


The Belmarsh Tribunal will expose the crimes of the so-called War on Terror, and call for Julian Assange’s freedom. Register now!

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Parties for the 1%, tight rules for the 99% – Boris Johnson and the Tories’ double standards



'The 1% do as they wish while the 99% suffer as they must' seems to be the new slogan of the Conservative Party led by Boris Johnson.

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Markets are catching up to Facebook‘s demise


Mark Zuckerberg isn't in the business of creating a pleasure machine. He just wants the ad revenue from all the hours spent in his metaverse.

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