Archive: Articles

The Establishment seeks to maintain nuclear weapons: Here’s how to oppose them


Sustained mass activism must be used to pressure nuclear weapon states to sign the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.

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Greece: entrenched sexism is under the spotlight



Sailing olympic champion Sofia Bekatorou came forward with allegations of rape by a senior executive of the Hellenic Sailing Federation.

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Not Just Another Party – A documentary about the tenacity of hope


During DiEM25's 5 year anniversary celebration, we premiered a documentary on the extraordinary journey of our members in Greece.

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Zero tolerance for female genital mutilation


DiEM25's thematic group on Gender calls out the practice of female genital mutilation as an expression of deeply entrenched gender inequalities.

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Breaking the sovereign power of big tech


Social media platforms are trying to portray themselves as the cure for the illness of modern democracy they are largely responsible for.

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Join DiEM25 members to celebrate half a decade of DiEM25!


9 February 2021 marks the anniversary of DiEM25. Come celebrate with us by joining our Anniversary Event tomorrow at 20:00 CET!

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The EU is undermining citizens’ right to privacy



The EU's recent proposals on encryption threaten to establish "a front door" to encrypted digital communications.

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DiEM TV: Faces of DiEM with Erik Edman with Cassie Callan and Ciro Faienza


Faces of DiEM featured a vivid conversation on how to approach politics through a pragmatic point of view, rather than from intellectual enclaves.

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Progressive International election observer mission lands in Ecuador


The PI has sent a delegation of MPs and experts to observe Ecuador’s presidential and National Assembly elections on 7 February.

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