Archive: Member-contributed (English)

World under threat from “rogue” Trump

World under threat from “rogue” Trump


US President Donald Trump’s refusal to recertify the Iran Nuclear Deal is just the latest in a series of decisions that threaten global stability.

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Austrian elections: untamed ghosts

Austrian elections: untamed ghosts


As a mediator between West and East, between Central Europe and the Balkans, Austria plays a very important role in mirroring emerging trends in ...

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Romania’s dangerous slide into illiberalism

Romania’s dangerous slide into illiberalism


Conservative groups in the country are trying to ban gay marriage outright.

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Exposed: The role of Big Finance in ECB decisions

Exposed: The role of Big Finance in ECB decisions


New report finds 98% of the European Central Bank’s official advisers are from the finance industry.

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Catalonia: democracy and secession

Catalonia: democracy and secession


The Catalan question for us is not a national question, nor a question of a nation state, but a question of democracy.

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Why Europe needs a new democratic left

Why Europe needs a new democratic left


True democratic control of European policies, that bypasses non-democratic institutions like the Eurogroup, the European Commission or the ...

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Catalonian referendum

The EU’s weak stance on the Catalonian referendum is unsustainable


The bloc’s non-reaction to the strong-arm tactics of the Spanish government risks boosting far-right governments in countries like Hungary or Poland.

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G20 – they colonized our future


G20 forecasting prolongs the infinite growth paradigm into the future, while G20 backcasting draws strategic conclusions for present action ...

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What now, Europe?

What now, Europe?


It is time for German voters to realize that a vote for the CDU is a vote for short-term rewards and a long-term disastrous breakup of the EU.

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