Archive: Member-contributed (English)

Nagasaki Bombing

Nuclear weapons modernised as nations prepare to ban them


North Korea's sixth nuclear test, which it apparently conducted today, comes while the world's other nuclear powers are arming up.

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Residential neighborhoods in Houston

Europe, we have a problem: Houston, Mumbai, Niger – all within one week


Extreme weather events are becoming the new normal, putting more than half of the world’s cities at risk.

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Cheer up, (or) it might never happen


As the world has darkened, so has our mood. Snarkiness, cynicism and divisiveness have become the order of the day. This renders us immobile and ...

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2017 Dutch Elections - Poster

Dutch Elections and Europe: the Dutch political ‘center’ asserting itself no reason for complacency


Underneath the ‘grey-right or green-right’ coalition government, which will most likely now emerge, several strong socio-economic and cultural ...

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Join us on Saturday to launch DiEM25 in the UK!

Britain needs DiEM25; and DiEM25 needs Britain


DiEM25 aims to act as the catalyst to the construction of a broad left coalition able to challenge the rising nationalism in Europe and confront ...

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‘The Future of Europe – The Europe of Future?’

The Future of Europe – The Europe of the Future?


International conference in Budapest on 19 September 2016. Yanis Varoufakis and Philippe Lamberts and 20 speakers. Watch the live stream here ...

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The banality of leaving the EU


Banality is not just being wrong, it is being radically indifferent to the world.

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Comparing EU member states' constitutions


Diether Dehm has produced a comparison of different national constitutions of EU member-states. This should prove useful in DiEM25’s ...

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Brian Eno and Yanis Varoufakis

A Painful Lesson From Brexit: Why DiEM25 needs a simpler message


Brian Eno and Yanis Varoufakis: DiEM25 needs to explain to those drawn by Trumpian/Brexiterian simplicity why democratising Europe matters to them.

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