DiEM25 supports Occupy: End Fossil Now campaign

DiEM25 is backing the Occupy: End Fossil Now campaign which is arranging a series of youth-led protests in the coming months to put an end to the use of fossil fuels.

Between September and December 2022, the movement will coordinate climate-conscious youths to ‘occupy’ schools and universities all over the world.

The goal of Occupy: End Fossil Now is to throw a spanner in the works of the system by ending the fossil economy on an international level.

“The youth movement has showed its strength over the last few years, but emissions keep increasing as time to act shortens. The climate justice movement has the power to change the world, and the youth movement has the power to end fossil now,” their website reads.

“The fossil fuel industry is one of the most important pillars of the system. If we dismantle it, we can lead the way to stop climate change and ensure a just transition for all peoples.

“We believe each group of society should mobilize where it can to build a mass climate justice movement that will win.

“Thus, we will use the spaces we have – schools and universities – to organise the change of the course of history. We will use these occupations to fight for our presents and futures, which are only possible through demanding the immediate end of fossil fuels.”

The group has highlighted three principles for those who want to organise protests.

With the climate crisis set to be detrimental to future generations above all, the first principle of these upcoming demonstrations is that they must be youth-led.

The second is defining the political framework behind these occupations, which is that of climate justice. The aim is to end fossils to achieve climate and social justice globally.

And finally, the third principle is to continue to occupy schools and universities, disrupting the normal functioning of society, until the local demand is met.

This push falls in line with our fight for climate justice in the form of a Green New Deal for Europe, where we urge for a transition away from fossil fuels that will protects frontline communities, empowers workers, and redresses Europe’s historic role in resource extraction around the world.

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