Posts By: DiEM25 Communications

The results of DiEM25’s 2023 Coordinating Collective elections


Members from across Europe and beyond have had their say

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The 1930s municipal elections that put an end to the monarchy in Spain


Sometimes, when we take certain decisions, we get more than what we bargained for. This unforeseen turnaround is especially striking when a ...

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Solidarity with Russian left-wing political scientist Boris Kagarlitsky


The arrest of Russian left-wing political scientist and sociologist Boris Kagarlitsky is an attack on the Russian and global Left

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Oppenheimer’s warning lives on: International laws and treaties are failing to stop new arms race



Lack of effective regulation means the risk of nuclear war is greater than at any time since the end of the Cold War. Other potentially ...

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Sweden and Finland’s accession to NATO strengthens Turkey’s repression of Kurds



NATO’s July summit betrayed the Kurdish people. The left must stand with both Ukraine and the Kurds — and against NATO

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Defying the Kremlin: Russian left-winger Mikhail Lobanov’s exiled plea for peace and unity


A strategy for mass political structure aimed at transforming the current regime, while working with progressive forces in other countries

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DiEMers join ‘Global Women for Peace United against NATO’ campaigners ahead of Vilnius summit


DiEM25 supporters in Brussels joined partner organisations to make their voices known against the military alliance ahead of the NATO Summit

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Views from France: Police shooting, subsequent riots and mending a divided society


Our members in France gave their views on the recent police shooting, the riots that followed, and proposals to bridge this societal discord

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Our support and solidarity with people demonstrating on the streets in France


In a continent where the Right rules not with the approval of society, but through the quiet acceptance of violence, inequality and injustice as ...

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