Nigerian government inflicts violence on those who are precisely denouncing police abuse.
Read more21.10.2020
The PI sent an election monitoring delegation to help the people of Bolivia to guarantee their right to free and fair elections.
Read more19.10.2020
At the start of the summer, DiEM25 ran a survey to get a quick pulse of our movement's membership - and 1527 members responded!
Read more9.10.2020
DiEM25 is preparing a documentary tracing the stories of volunteers and organisers who participated in the electoral campaign in Greece last year!
Read more7.10.2020
Riot police attacked crowds including MeRA25 MPs wanting to celebrate the decision against the neo-nazi party Golden Dawn.
Read more5.10.2020
Now, more than ever, we need a strong, capable movement to push ahead our common-sense agenda for Europe and its people.
Read more4.10.2020
DiEM25’s political party in Greece: “The US government’s request to extradite Assange constitutes political persecution”.
Read more30.09.2020
Yanis Varoufakis, Srećko Horvat, M.I.A., Pamela Anderson, Lula, Rafael Correa, Roger Waters, Slavoj Žižek and others to demand Assange’s release ...
Read more17.09.2020
Russell Brand hosts Yanis Varoufakis on 'Under the Skin': How can we unify the fragments of the left? Is there hope for an alternative future?
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