Europe now has a Green New Deal and it's coming to a ballot box near you in May

“Start cooking, the recipe will follow”, said Brian Eno during the first launch of DiEM25 in February 2016.
And now the recipe has come. On that very day we stated that DiEM25 would be a movement led by ideas. No old politics, no horse-trading, no empty slogans. After months of collective work with all the partners of European Spring, our transnational alliance, and after going through hundreds of comments and proposals received by our members, we are finally there.

On Friday January 25 the Council of European Spring officially approved the Green New Deal for Europe: our groundbreaking, pan-European programme for change.
From a green investment programme to drive through the world’s ecological transition to clear action on ending the scandal of tax havens; from humane and effective migration policy to a clear plan to tackle poverty in our continent; from a Workers’ Compact to a European Convention on Women’s Rights and much more, the Green New Deal is the go-to document for anyone wishing to break the dogma of “There Is No Alternative” and bring back hope to our continent.

The best news? Most of the policies contained in our programme are immediately implementable. They could be reality tomorrow. And they could change the lives of every citizen of Europe from the day after.
All that is needed is political will. And this is where you come in again. The European establishment has pursued policies so unjust and so dysfunctional to have triggered the great nationalist and xenophobic backlash of our days. We think the current European leadership needs to be replaced if we are to save Europe from itself.

That is why we decided to use the upcoming European elections to bring our programme and our ideas all across Europe in the first real transnational political campaign. Help us make this a reality!
After decades where politics became little more than technical administration and business as usual, the time has come to reclaim the visionary potential  of ideas and of people power.

“All historical experience confirms this – man would not have attained the possible unless time and again he had reached out for the impossible.” So said Max Weber in a famous address to German students in 1919.
DiEM25 and the European Spring have set about an ambitious course to demonstrate just this. Be part of making the impossible possible.

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