MeRA25 is reorganising and strengthening: Electing its 1st Central Committee!

A year after entering Parliament, MeRA25 is not complacent.

Building on last year’s solid foundations, the party is strengthening its institutions and activating our membership all over Greece.

After the ratification of its new Statutes by all DiEM25 members, MeRA25 now needs to elect the new organs that will govern it, starting with the Central Committee.

The 1st Central Committee is comprised of the members of the current Extended Political Secretariat, 15 members chosen by sortition amongst all MeRA25 members (who are also DiEM25 members), 2 members from every Administrative Region (excluding Attica) put forward by the Secretary in concert with the Committee for the Organisation of the Congress and Movement Outreach, and 1 member from every electoral district, selected by the members of that district through e-voting.

The election process starts on August 24, with the launch of MeRA25’s e-platform for the submission of candidacies from each district. On the same day, the 24 members put forward by the Secretary will be announced.

Below you can find an outline of next steps:

12/9 deadline for submitting candidacies and for new members to register in order to take part in the vote for the Central Committee.

13/9 until 18/9 candidates are given the opportunity to present themselves in teleconferences at the regional level.

During the same interval, the 15 members chosen through sortition are selected, who can either accept or reject the position.

19/9 until 23/9 complementary vote (if needed) for members who rejected their position.

E-voting per district takes place.

24/9 the final composition of the Central Committee is announced.

26/9 until 27/9 the Central Committee convenes for the first time and elects its Coordinator as well as the organs: Political Secretariat, Committee for the Compliance with the Code of Conduct and Statutes and Financial Control Committee.

Over the coming days, all members are kindly asked to confirm their full e-registration with MeRA25 by visiting with their passwords, in order to be able to take part in the upcoming e-voting.

If you encounter any difficulties, MeRA25’s communication hotline (00302103810675) will be available every day from 10am to 8pm (excluding the week 12-19/8), to provide any assistance required.

United we make our voice stronger!

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